Controls for nba 2k9
Controls for nba 2k9

OK, now that I've gotten to the crux of the matter. Sounds simple right? Yeah, but it looks wrong thanks to the way attributes are set by number values. ONCE the sprint button is introduced the player runs off of the last analog press sideways.


If you just push very lightly the player tends to walk up the court, if you push slightly harder he goes into a slight jog and if you then again push a bit harder he then goes in a full on jog. When you push sideways with the controller there are 3 different types of speeds in which you can go actually. Whether it be by the controller input of by the automatic setting placed within a attribute value. Animations (something 2k is vastly known for) are something that have to be triggered in order to happen. Which negates everything the programmer has done in regard to how the game handles attributes and skills. Problem with this being is that they usually have no knowledge of what the games engine is doing and are pretty much just doing a fantasy league type of rating. I've had talks with industry people where the general consensus about this is that the final game AFTER it being programmed etc ends up in the hands of roster tech and they then go and just INPUT number values based off of real life percentages in the sport world. Not that some developers have the ability to do this well from the beginning at default but it's rather about having a wrong understanding of what the programmers end up doing. Right there you have two of the best explanations as to WHY 2k9 or any OTHER sports video game usually doesn't look good. Those things are: 1)The way the attribute value triggers an animation from happening or not happening and 2)The way the attribute then affects the other game play around it due to the changing of it. If you approach these types of games as a programmer you look for two things. However NOT by just getting the ratings of the attributes right to the statistics of a certain players skills in real life but by something entirely different. Now looking at the attribute model you find that those two aspects can play a major part in getting the game engine to act/react better than it might at a default setting. THAT logic being many things from the triggering of certain animations to the probability that a player might do something well or badly. When in honesty the slider sets can not change a game that much as they only give "boosts" to attributes already working off a certain logic. We tend to feel (the hardcore gamer in this regard) that adjusting sliders is merely enough to warrant these types of changes. Speed will always be the most important aspect in any real-life interpretations of a sports video game. Not by conventional statistics, but by having a good game engine in place that runs smooth, looks smooth and plays smooth. From the onset, I have tried to champion myself as someone who just wants a basketball game to flow right. And the work is finally done for everyone to enjoy most importantly.

Controls for nba 2k9